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Darker Shades of Gray
[a Harkness Table Discussion of Topics That Concern Appraisers]

Facilitator / Author:

George W. LeMay, NHCG#38


This course provides a chance to explore topics of interest to the participants. Subjects that don't have well-defined boundaries or answers are as welcome as specific technical questions and issues that may be handled in a more structured, traditional classes. Almost no appraisal issues are off topic. Typically it is impossible to know how much time it will take to address the questions / perspectives / opinions that can arise in such an open format. The process of wrestling with such issues is priceless for broadening one's perspective, stimulating critical thinking, and even potentially heightening one's internal awareness of hidden prejudices or attitudes.

As a background, the class begins with a situation that provided the spark for this class. The question surfaced in a 7 hour USPAP update class: “Is it ever appropriate to turn in another appraiser to the licensing board?” and could not be adequately addressed due to time constraints. Although it would be hard to conceive of a more appropriate setting to consider such a question, open discussion on that issue was thwarted by the need to cover other scheduled material. Although it was addressed privately during break time, the opportunity for alternative perspectives from other participants was hopelessly lost for the sake of convenience, consistence, and predictability.

The course focus is slanted heavily toward practice rather than theory, but theory questions and topics are considered "fair game" here, also.

The course material is intended to stimulate critical thinking and discussion,  foster a willingness to share differing points of view, and broaden each one's perspective in a respectful, engaging way. Participants can even have their own real-life questions anonymously submitted to the group for consideration / solution / clarification.

Note: Class size is very limited (< 15) to ensure a meaningful learning experience for all participants.

How much and what is included?

The seminar fee includes refreshments at breaks.

What is the format?

Round table / Harkness table style discussion.

Education Credit:

NH, VT: Approved for 7 hours of continuing education credit

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