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Beyond Paired Sales

Paired Sales Analysis is a technically precise and theoretically pure technique that can seldom be applied outside of the classroom due to data limitations and market imperfection. As the title implies, paired sales analysis is only one of the techniques covered. This course takes a detailed look nine other ways for objectively developing and supporting adjustments used in sales comparison approach when the available data is inadequate for paired sales analyses.


At the conclusion of this course participants will:

How much and what is included?

The seminar fee covers instruction, and all needed student materials. Although not absolutely necessary, participants are encouraged to bring a calculator to class.

What is covered?

Ten recognized techniques for developing and reporting objective adjustments will be presented. Clarification of commonly misunderstood or overlooked aspects of these techniques will be discussed along with their relative applicability and reliability

What is the format?

Classroom style instruction, discussions, and presentations.


Some experience or training performing valuations based on the sales comparison approach is required. A working knowledge of basic appraisal math (simple algebra, graphing, fractions) and how to use your calculator is required.


George W. LeMay, NHCG#38

Education Credit:

Valid for 7 hours continuing education credit in New Hampshire only.

Enrollment Policies & Deadlines:

Due to facility planning needs, preregistration for all seminars is required.

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